Unrattled ver 0.1.1

Unrattled ver 0.1.1

Some fixes for ya


- Enemies will now agro if the Player shoots them
- Added a sensitivity option in the options menu
- The player now heals for 20 hp at the start of each floor
- The Player can no longer shoot while sprinting
- Accuracy is increased, walking while shooting is less accurate
- Added more rooms, including rooms the Player spawns in.
- Updated some existing rooms to include better decoration/lighting

Bug Fixes
- Fixed UI issue where RELOAD was showing even if the player had ammo
- Fixed dungeon generation issue causing the portal not to spawn sometimes
- Fixed dungeon generation issue causing more than one portal to spawn sometimes
- Fixed a memory leak during Dungeon generation


unrattled-windows.zip 99 MB
Version 0.1.1 Jan 11, 2021

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