Unrattled ver 0.3.1

Unrattled ver 0.3.1

Guns got those funny colors now

- Guns now have rarity, which affects its stats
    - Common(White): 72.5% chance
    - Rare(Green): 20% chance
    - Epic(Blue): 7.5% chance
- Gun stats are now affected by the floor number

- Empowering Crystal now uses a bias function to apply the damage mod
- Equipping a new gun sets the current ammo count to 0
- Faries are tweaked to be always just slightly faster than the Player

Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug where pressing the equip key on the same frame as dying made the gun go crazy
- Optimized memory usage
- Remove 127 lines of unnecessary code


unrattled-windows.zip 99 MB
Version 0.3.1 Feb 25, 2021

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