Unrattled ver 0.2.3

Unrattled ver 0.2.3

Long overdue, here's some items

- Adds fall damage into the game, scales with height
- Enemies can now be 'stumbled' when shot, interrupts actions
- Adds the following items:
    - Matches: Chance for shots to ignite, which spreads to nearby enemies
    - Ice Crystal: Chance for shots to apply a slowing effect
    - Second Chance: On death, consumes the item into health, preventing death
    - Impact Force: Increases the chance to cause the enemy to stumble
- Can now play with a controller!

- Makes the fog more dense
- Changed some color correction
- Ragdolls now maintain their physics during the duration of their corpse time, shoot dead bodies for an example

Bug Fixes
- Enemy ragdolls no longer collide with the player


unrattled-windows.zip 99 MB
Version 0.2.3 Jan 23, 2021

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